Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome I (CRPS I) is a difficult to treat syndrome which is characterized by sensoric, autonomic and motoric complaints. CRPS is frequently caused by trauma or surgery, especially of the extremities. Recent findings suggest that inflammatory processes may enhance sensitization of the neurons in the central nervous system, which deteriorates sensible, autonomic and motoric complaints.

The VU University Medical Center started a randomized doubleblind placebo-controlled study in order to determine whether intravenous magnesium, which is a competititive NMDA antagonist, is a safe and effective treatment for the neuronal complaints during CRPS I. Furthermore, we are involved in the development of diagnostic tools for this syndrome, by developing measurement instruments which are validated to follow the disease over time. This research is part of the national researchprogramme TREND (Trauma RElated Neuronal Dysfunction ) which focuses on CRPS I and related diseases. The research is part of the research institute EMGO .

Promovendi:Drs. Sigrid Fischer, Drs Stefania Barbalinardoand Drs. Maria Wertli