How does the training work?

Since this year every anesthesia resident in the Netherlands is required to participate in a simulator-based training at least once a year.

Our anesthesia simulation-based training curriculum contains both scenario sessions and didactic presentation and discussion concerning anesthesia safety, decision making and generic priciples of crisis and resource management in the operating room to achieve the training goals.

Simulator Session

Groups of 4 participants undergo several hours of simulation during which each participant was the primary anesthesist for ~30min. The remainder of the time they play other roles including that of another anesthetist who will be the first to be called into the room if help is needed (staff anesthetist). Most scenarios are designed to require significant interaction with the nursing and surgical personnel. The simulation session are recorded on videotape (multiple views) and the participants are encouraged to "think loud" as they enter the debriefing process.

Debriefing Session

Debriefing Sessions follow each simulation scenario, and lasts approximately 30 minutes. The participants view the videotapes and critique their own performance with the assistance of a specially trained anesthesiologist instructor. While medical and technical issues related to the scenario are discussed, the emphasis is on analyzing performance and options related to the generic principles of crisis management behavior.

dr. Ralf Krage