Department information
The Department of Medical Oncology was founded in 1979 by prof. dr H.M. Pinedo. At that time this speciality was still in his infancy, but the department grew rapidly to an international renowned department, in particular famous for its translational cancer research. Translational research means that there is a strong and continuous interaction between the research and the researchers in the laboratory and the clinic in a two-way direction: research from bed-to-bench and from bench-to-bedside.
The mission of the department is to increase the life expectancy of patients with cancer with special attention to their quality of life. This is accomplished by the development of new treatments and new diagnostic procedures. In order to accomplish this mission a team of professionals from nurses to researchers and from data-managers to oncologists each contribute with their specific expertise. The unique feature of the department is indeed the strong interaction –on a daily basis- between the physicians who treat the patients and the laboratory scientists. In addition, the contribution of a medical psychologist and a palliative physician is of utmost importance for the optimal treatment and care of our patients.