Staff and Professionals
Staff of the department of medical oncology
Clinical staff
Hanneke W.M. van Laarhoven
MD, PhD, professor medical oncology and head of the department
J. Buter
MD, PhD, medical oncologist
A.J.M. van den Eertwegh
MD, PhD, medical oncologist
I.R.H.M. Konings
MD, PhD, medical oncologist
M.H.M. van der Linden
PhD, klinisch psycholoog
M.E. van Linde
MD, medisch oncoloog
C.W. Menke - Van der Houven van Oordt
MD, PhD, medical oncologist
J.J. van der Vliet
MD, PhD, medical oncologist
M. van der Vorst
MD, medical oncologist (palliative care)
J. Voortman
MD, PhD, medical oncologist
A. van Zweeden
MD, medical oncologist
Nursing staff
Josine ter Veen,
head oncology ward and outpatient clinic
Rita Ruijter,
leader phase I/II research team
Corry Mietus,
leider dagbehandelingsunit (DBU)
Bea Verdegaal & Josine ter Veen,
leaders day care facilty and oncology ward
José Stolker,
leader outpatient clinic
Laboratory Medical Oncology (LabMO) staff
G.J. (Frits) Peters, PhD,
professor of Pharmacology of cytostatics, head of the LAbMO and leader of the Pharmacology Laboratory
Arjan W. Griffioen, PhD,
professor of Tumor Angiogenesis, leader Angiogenesis Laboratory
Victor W. van Beusechem, PhD,
leader Oncogenomics Laboratory
Henk J. Broxterman, PhD,
Angiogenesis Laboratory
Tanja D. de Gruijl, PhD,
leader Immunotherapy Laboratory
Connie R. Jiménez, PhD,
leader Oncoproteomics Laboratory