• Research projects: approximately 350
  • External funding: approximately EURO 7,500,000 per annum
  • Research staff : approximately 475 scientific personel
  • Grants: From a wide range of institutes and industries including EU, Avanti-STR, Nederlandse Brandwonden Stichting, Smartmix, Top Institute Pharma, CTMM, NWO, KWF, ZonMw and FP6.
  • Awards: include VENI-VIDI-VICI grants from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
  • Publications: 45-50 PhD theses and about 625 peer-reviewed articles a year.
  • Education: CCA/V-ICI has its own research Master's (Master's in Oncology) and runs and participates in the Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam (OOA) for PhD students

(Information: 2010)