Research line 1

Molecular diagnosis and therapy of cancer and precursor lesions Head and Neck Cancer Research VUmc Amsterdam

This research line  focuses on genetic characterization of head and neck carcinogenesis. At the clinical level precursor lesions are studied to identify the events that predict progression to cancer. Concerning cancer, genetic analyses have been developed to explain and predict cancer recurrences, i.e. minimal residual cancer cells, second field cancers and metastatic disease.

These are the four projects:

  1. Head and neck cancer predisposition
  2. Molecular diagnosis and genomics-based staging of head and neck cancer
  3. Genes causing head and neck cancer
  4. Detection and treatment of oral preneoplasia

Personnel Head and Neck VUmc Amsterdam

Prof. Ruud H. Brakenhoff, PhD, MD, projectleader
Dr. Boudewijn JM Braakhuis, PhD, projectleader
Prof. C.René Leemans
, PhD, MD, projectleader
Marijke Buijze
, BSc, technician
Sanne R de Kemp
, MSc, PhD-student
A. Peggy Graveland
, MD, PhD-student
Géke B Flach
, MD, PhD-student
Marlon van der Plas
, MSc, PhD-student
Arjen Brink
, MSc, technician
Birgith Witte
, PhD, methodologist
Michelle M. Rietbergen
, MD, PhD-student
Marijke Stigter-van Walsum
, BSc, technician
Wessel van Wieringen, PhD biostatistician
Vicky de Boer, MSc, PhD-student
Anne M. van Harten, MSc, PhD-student
Jantine E. Bakema, PhD, projectleader


Vumc Amsterdam

Prof. Elisabeth Bloemena, Department of Pathology, MD, PhD 
Dr. Jacqueline Cloos, Department of Pediatrics, PhD
Prof. Hans Joenje, Department of Human Genetics, PhD
Prof. Peter JF Snijders, Department of Pathology, MD, PhD
Dr. Bauke Ylstra, Microarray Core Facility, PhD
Prof. Isaac van der Waal, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, MD, PhD

Within a framework

Airforce (CTMM)

National and international

Prof. R. Baatenburg- de Jong, MD, PhD, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, NL 
Prof. P.J. Bradley, MD, PhD, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK 
Prof. A. Heck, PhD, and  Dr M. Slijper, PhD, University of Utrecht, NL 
Prof. M. Partridge, MD, PhD, King's College London, UK 
Prof. P. Slootweg, MD, PhD, and dr Robert Takes, MD, PhD, University of Nijmegen, NL 
Prof. R.J.J. van Es, MD, PhD, University of Utrecht, NL
Dr. F. Leusink, PhD, University of Utrecht, NL