1011 results found
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Diagnostics and treatment of chronic low back pain
Diagnostics and treatment of chronic low back pain Patients with low back pain in the region of the SI joint of non-radicular character and pressure pain of the SI joint might benefit from intra-articular injections of a local anesthetic. Furthermore, addition of corticosteroids to local anesthetics may improve the magnitude and the duration -
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Complex Regional Pain Syndrome I (CRPS I) is a difficult to treat syndrome which is characterized by sensoric, autonomic and motoric complaints. CRPS is frequently caused by trauma or surgery, especially of the extremities. -
ARC Anesthesiology Research Consortium In 2012 the Anesthesiology Research Consortium (ARC) was established by eight university medical centers. The aim of this consortium is to raise grants for multicenter trials, and to put emphasis on clinically relevant questions in large patient groups. The consortium will also anticipate economic and political trends in the institutions that finance -
Airway Management
Airway Management Research topics: Innovation in Airway Management, development of novel intubation techniques, valorization of novel airway management equipment and ideas, patient safety studies, human factors and multicenter trials. Are you a researcher, residents or medical student interested in Airway Management research? Please contact the research coordinator Airway -
Other employees
Other employees Drs. A. Esselman Physician assistant in training anesthesiology Drs. D. van Groeningen Manager simulation training and reanimation Drs. H.W. Kramers Physician assistant anesthesiology Ing. N.T. van Schagen Information technology -
Perioperative Care
Perioperative Care The perioperative and postoperative management of surgical patients requires an integrative insight in cardiovascular physiology and the function of vital organs. In particular, the anesthetic regime, surgery, fluid resuscitation, shock, bleeding and metabolic alterations induce an acute and generalized stress response that may lead to tissue perfusion -
Anesthesiologists Berg, B. van den Christiaans, H.M.T. Colenbrander, R.J. Dehn, F.B. van Dertinger, J.A. Dettwiler, S. Eickhoff, C. Erwteman, M. Franschman, G. dr. Greuters, S. Helfferich, W.D.H. Hoedemaker-Boon, C.J. Huisman, B.A.A. Huitink, J.M. dr. Janssen, L.M.J. Jong, J.R. de Kamminga, S.K. Koopman, E.M. Krage, R. dr. -
Secretariat Secretariat Anesthesiology Room: H 6F 002 Phone: +31 (0)20 444 4386 Fax: +31 (0)20 444 4385 On weekdays between 8:00 and 16.30 h Inez Jagerman Senior secretary +31 (0)20 444 4386 Godelieve Krijnen Secretary prof.dr. SA Loer +31 (0)20 444 3058 Noëlle Tameris Senior secretary +31 (0)20 444 2928 Allyson Velberg-Gottschalk -
Contact Address Department of anesthesiology (H 6F) De Boelelaan 1117 1081 HV Amsterdam For more information about route and directions click here . Appointments pain clinic/surgery Phone +31 (0)20 444 1100 On weekdays between 8:30 and 15.30 h Appointments preoperative screening Phone +31 (0)20 444 2071 On weekdays between 8:30 and 16.00 h Secretariat Anesthesiology Phone +31 (0)20 -
Preoperative screening
Preoperative screening The preoperative screening outpatient clinic of the department of Anesthesiology is located in the outpatient clinic section of the departments of Surgery and Anesthesiology, reception G. Requests for new appointments or changes in existing appointments can be made by contacting the: Preoperative screening anesthesiology Phone +31 (0)20 4442071