Master theses

During a masterthesis a student works fulltime in the VUmc, for a period of 6-9 months, on his on her assignment. The projects are always on the domain of patient flow and capacity management in which a quantitative approach is taken. We work mostly with students with a technical or (applied) mathematical background. 

Overview mastertheses since 2005:

  1. Workforce planning at clinical wards (2008)
  2. A mathematical approach for dimensioning clinical wards (2007)
  3. Optimizing cardiothoracic patient flow and ICU booking policy: a simulation study (2006) - confidential
  4. The impact of caselength and variation on the feasiblity of occupancy rates of surgical disciplines (2005)
  5. Control of healthcare processes: logistically homogeneous patientgroups (2005)

Business cases 

In the BMI (Business Mathematics and Informatics) business case a group of bachelor students tackles a problem.


See overview of student papers below (Dutch only).

  1. Operationele Kennis (M. van Schoonhoven, maart 2004)
  2. Waiting patiently (A. Hutzschenreuter, januari 2004)
  3. Operations Research in de Gezondheidszorg (H. Huijser)

Student assignments

At the moment we have a few student assigments available, see overview below: 

  1. Workforce planning at clinical wards - is inmiddels vervuld
  2. Analyse historische zittingsduren tbv implementatie CS-OK
  3. Determining shift schedules for an ED department
  4. Hospital capacity planning
  5. Impact van leeftijdsopbouw op personeelsplanning op de IC (coming up)

Interested? Send an email to Arnoud de Bruin or call: 020-4443068