Imaging in research

The Imaging Center forms a stimulating environment for multidisciplinary translational research and education, and contributes to innovation and sustainability of healthcare.

Imaging innovation through top research

The center’s facilities will provide the ideal environment for the interdisciplinary research conducted by our research institutes.  The mainstay of imaging is, and will remain, cross sectional imaging, with an emphasis on structural imaging. The improved spatial and temporal resolution of imaging techniques like CT and MRI has revolutionized the ability to detect and monitor disease such as cancer and neurological disorders. Recent technical developments include brain and tumor perfusion methods, which display physiological information, and functional MRI allows non-invasive study of brain activity. Longitudinal imaging is increasingly used to monitor disease progression, determine the effect of treatment, and detect  side-effects. The advances of (endoscopic) optical techniques provide a further step towards increased resolution.

Translational research and medicine – from bench to bedside

Within the research institutes patient groups are defined for which VUmc offers excellent translational research programs, either for the whole duration of the disease trajectory or during specifically defined periods of disease. In order to carry out top translational research projects a wide range of relationships with pharmaceutical and medical device companies, together with regional hospitals and top European academic centers, have been created and will be expanded. All the necessary facilities and expertise required for translational research and clinical trials are already available within VUmc/VU, including clinical trial units, facilities for genomics & proteomics, molecular diagnostics, biobanking and immuno-histochemistry, as well as a Drug Discovery Center. Our extensive IT infrastructure includes, among others, integrated EPD and research IT tools (caBIG), bioinformatics and genomic biostatistics facilities.